Quote of the Week:

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and Third by experience, which is the bitterest.


Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Shadow (An Original)

Awakened by cries deep in the night, I rushed to the window to find out what was going on. There I saw a shadow, creeping through the streets. It was crying in pain, in agony. I called out to it to find out what was the trouble. I was answered by silence. By a gush of wind, the mysterious shadow disappeared. I tried going back to sleep, but the incident still raqn through my mind.

Suddenly, I heard a burst of euphoria. Laughter? I'm sure I heard laughter from somewhere. I listened intently. I wondered where it was coming from. My heartbeat raised. I opened my window again, and there it was. The shadow. Laughing. Laughing? What was so funny? 

"I thought you were in pain."
"I am laughing because I am in pain. Why aren't you laughing along with me?"

After a few hours gazing at the figure, I realized that it only glided along the dark side of the streets.

"Why don't you show your face to me?"


"Why do you like it so much in the dark?"
"I am afraid of the light."
"Why so?"
"It is so cruel."
"Why would you dismiss such beauty with such hate? Are you mad?"
"It's mocking me. Isn't it mocking you? It shows itself, shining brightly through the vast heavens.The birds sing a joyous melody. What heavenly bliss..."
"What then?"
"What then? What then?! Just when you're about to enjoy the dawning of the new day, a new hope from despair...it hides itself among the dark clouds. At first only raindrops fall. And just when you thought it was all over, the storm rages in on you. It gathers into a disaster taking away innocent lives, those who only wanted to enjoy the rebirth of the sun. You know...have a picnic with your wife, play football with your son...But the...the sun...oh...it kept on teasing us...the storm broke loose...it took everything...nothing was left...everyone...UNTIL NO ONE WAS LEFT..."
"No one, except you. Now I understand."
"You don't understand! You would never understand. Could you imagine what it's like to be alone, with no one around to hold you, or comfort you? Could you imagine what's it's like to be stripped away with every special thing and being that made you happy? Answer me! Could you?!"


"You said it all. Life's all a game for that BALL OF HELL!!!"

I felt trickling coldness rushing through my veins. The shadow flew near my window, and rushed through me. The shadow, enraged, stood in front of me. Slowly, it consumed me.

"Why do you keep on asking me these questions? Why don't you know how I feel? You're supposed to know!!! Why do you keep on mocking me?! Tell me!!!"

And then, I fainted.

The next day, I woke up still lying on the floor.

"Was it all a dream?"

I shivered. A cold sweat broke. I looked around and realized, there was not one window in my walled room. I stood affixed to one corner though.

There was really nothing in there, except for a broken mirror.

A bloody broken mirror.

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